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Lot 1Acamas Toys (c1983) Cosmic Cowboys Sci-Fi Western 6" action figures including Star Marshall, Sgt Alpha Cody, Buck Metoer, Chief Iron Lance, Iron Jaw & Jake Sidewinder (Complete Set), all on card wi...
Sold for £1,120
Lot 2Acamas Toys Thunder cats Lion-O Transport Belt for Thundercat Miniatures No.1060 (1)
Sold for £260
Lot 3Airfix 1:32 Scale WWII Multipose Military Figures including Japanese (x4), US Marines (x5) & British 8th Army, all boxed (10)
Sold for £100
Lot 4Airfix 1;35 Scale Series 7: M6 Anti-Tank Gun Carriage No.7361, 1;32 Scale Series 8: British M3 Grant medium tank No.8365, Series 6: 17 Pounder Gun no.6361 & Series 6: 1910 "B" Type Bus No.6443, all...
Sold for £32
Lot 5Palitoy Action Man equipment Centre Army Jersey & Trousers No.34285 and Miro Meccano Ratelier D'Armes Rifle Rack Ref:534202, both on card (2)
Sold for £34
Lot 6Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Gemini Two-Man Tank Set No.900331 (x2), Cougar Armed Jeep Set (x3) (5)
Lot 7Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The Wolf Army Close Combat Rhino Armoured Missile Carrier Set no.910541 & Ambulance and Landing Craft (2)
Lot 8Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The BAD Brigade Polecat Gang Black Mamba Monorail Set, boxed No.910351 (1).
Sold for £36
Lot 9Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The Swordfish Navy Task Force M.V. Surprise Q Ship Set, plus Task Force Troopers (x2) (3).
Sold for £38
Lot 10Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The BAD Brigade Polecat Gang Winged demon U.A.P. bomber Set (x2) No.910431 and Eagle Air Squadron Night Hawk Bomber and Qui...
Sold for £55
Lot 11Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The BAD Brigade U.A.V. "Petrol Tanker" & Assault Boat Set, boxed No.900421 (1).
Sold for £30
Lot 12American Plastic Toys Inc Vintage Laser Force Space Plane & Land Craft, in cut out card box No.945 (1)
Lot 13Acamas Toys & Sungold Galaxy Warriors 5 1/2"action figures including Magon , Baltard, Deevil & Rahh (complete set but two manufacturers) (4)
Sold for £680
Lot 14Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Army Wolf Pack Gemini Two-Man Tank Set (x3) & Close Combat Howitzer Set (x3), on card with bubblepack (One Howitzer Detache...
Lot 15Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Blue Shark M.T.B. & Armed Inflatable Set, boxed (1)
Sold for £17
Lot 16Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Eagle Air Squadron Stealth Bomber Set No.900341, on card with bubblepack..
Lot 17Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Swordfish Navy Task Force Marlin Three-Man Sub Set (x2) No.900341 & Dragonfly Boat Set (x3) No.900371, on card with bubblep...
Lot 18Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) The B.A.D. Brigade Polecat Gang Piranha Airboat Set (x2) No.910331, on card with bubblepack (2)
Sold for £16
Lot 19Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) Thunderflash Armed Half-Track & all Terrain Vehicle Set, boxed (3)
Sold for £50
Lot 20Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) U.A.V. "Tour Bus" & Armed Trike Set, boxed (2).
Sold for £20
Lot 21Bluebird (c1989) Zero Hour (when the brave must fight to save the World!) U.A.V. (Undercover Attack Vehicle) "Petrol Tanker" and Assault Boat Set, boxed (1)
Sold for £24
Lot 22Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max - Max Battles the Barbarians No.952041, Max Fights the Monsters No.95061 & Max Against the Marauders No.952051, on card with bubblepack (3)
Lot 23Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Battle Warriors - Defeats the Conqueror, on card with comic strip on reserve and bubblepack No.951161 (1)
Sold for £145
Lot 24Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Battle Warriors - Shatters Garagoyle, on card with comic strip on reserve and bubblepack No.951211 (1)
Sold for £135
Lot 25Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Battle Warriors - Shuts Down Cybot, on card with comic strip on reserve and bubblepack No.951201 (1)
Sold for £140
Lot 26Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Battle Warriors - Strikes Fang, on card (corner bent) with comic strip on reserve and bubblepack No.951171 (1)
Sold for £110
Lot 27Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Doom Zones - Grips the Hand, on card with comic strip on reserve and bubblepack No.950681 (1)
Lot 28Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Horror Heads & Ideal Horror Heads & Scalps, on card with bubblepack (7)
Sold for £320
Lot 29Bluebird (c1994) Mighty Max Shrunken Heads, on card and bubblepack (9)
Sold for £820
Lot 30Bluebird (c1997) Warriors of Virtue action figues including Mosely No.71012, Master Chung No.71015 & Mantrose No.71009, on card with bubblepack (3)
Lot 31Britains Autoway Heavy Tipping Trailer No.9833, Safety trailer No.9845, Front Digger Attachment No.9834, Snowplough Attachment No.9839 & Compressor No.9840, all in yellow window boxes (5)
Sold for £115
Lot 32Britains Corn King 4891 combine harvester with maize head, in window box (window slightly cracked) No.9576 (1)
Sold for £40
Lot 33Britains Red Trade Box No.7730 Knights with 16 archers & 23 other figures (1)
Sold for £46
Lot 34Britains Ridng & Farm Accessories, boxed with sealed contents No.4730 (1)
Sold for £42
Lot 35Britains Trade Mutants Space Box with 31 figures (1)
Lot 36Brumm 1:43 Scale Old Fire Historical Revival Silver Serie Veicolo a turbina di Verbiest No.1681, veitura a vapore di Pecqueur No.1828 & anfibio di Evans No.1804, all in window boxes (3)
Lot 37CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Adventurier, Boxed No.7945 (1)
Sold for £80
Lot 38CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Adventurier, Boxed No.7945 (1)
Lot 39CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Adventurier, Boxed No.7945 (1)
Sold for £90
Lot 40CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Commando Saharien Uniform, boxed No.7976 & Operation Sabotage No.7954 (2)
Sold for £155
Lot 41CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Commando Saharien Uniform, boxed No.7976 & Operation Sabotage No.7954 (2)
Sold for £150
Lot 42CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Commando Saharien Uniform, boxed No.7976 (1)
Sold for £125
Lot 43CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Para Americain No.7937 & Operation Sabotage No.7954, both boxed (2)
Lot 44CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Para Americain No.7937 & Operation Sabotage No.7954, both boxed (2)
Lot 45CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Para Americain No.7937 Uniform No.7976 & Operation Sabotage No.7954, both boxed (2)
Lot 46CEJI Arbois French Version Group Action Joe Para Isrealien Uniform, boxed No.7931 (1)
Lot 47CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Group Action Joe Capture du Gorille playset,in frame style box (damaged) with bubblepack No.7123 (1)
Sold for £70
Lot 48CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Group Action Joe Capture du Gorille playset,in frame style box (damaged) with bubblepack No.7123 (1)
Sold for £65
Lot 49CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Group Action Joe Chassuer sous-marin 12" action figure with flock hair, beard & eagle eyes (Head detached), Boxed No.7950 (1)
Sold for £95
Lot 50CEJI Arbois French Version Hasbro Group Action Joe Chassuer sous-marin 12" action figure with flock hair, beard & eagle eyes (Head detached), Boxed No.7950 (1)
Lot 51Childbro (1989-1991) Thundercats Hovercat, sellotaped sealed box No.137-3534 (1)
Sold for £460
Lot 52Childbro (1989-1991) Thundercats Thunderclaw, sellotaped sealed box No.137-3534 (1)
Sold for £350
Lot 53Childbro (1989-1991) Thundercats Thundertank, sellotaped sealed box No.137-3534 (1)
Sold for £1,520
Lot 54Corgi (c1976) diecast AMX 30D Recovery Tank & Sdkfz Rocket Launcher No.907, both in window boxes (2)
Lot 55Corgi (c1979) diecast X1 Rocketron No.D2023 & Dinky Convoy Army Truck No.687, both in window boxes (2)
Sold for £22
Lot 56Dapol (c1987) Doctor Who Dalek Grey & Blue, all on card (early version) with bubblepack (3)
Lot 57Dapol (c1987) Doctor Who Dalek W8 Series Black & Gold (x2), Black & Silver (x2), White & Gold (x3), all on card with bubblepack (7)
Lot 58Deny Fisher (c1975) The Six Million Dollar Man Board Game (1)
Lot 59Dinky (1971-1980) diecast Gerry Anderson TV Series UFO Shado 2 Mobile, on blue & black plinth with bubblepack No.535 (1)
Lot 60Dinky (1971-1980) diecast Gerry Anderson TV Series UFO Shado 2 Mobile, on blue & black plinth with bubblepack No.535 (1)
Lot 61Dinky (1971-1980) diecast Gerry Anderson TV Series UFO Shado 2 Mobile, on blue & black plinth with bubblepack No.535 (1)
Lot 62Dinky (c1979) diecast Zygon Patroller, in window box No.363 (1)
Sold for £28
Lot 63Dinky diecast Gerry Anderson's TV Series Captain Scarlett & the Mysterons Spectrum pursuit Vehicle, boxed No.104
Lot 64Dinky Task Forde Set with D.U.K.W. Amphibian, Ferret Armoured Car & Stalwart Load Carrier No.677 and Muir Hill 2WL Loader No.437, both on blue & black plinth witj bubblepack (2)
Lot 65ERTL (c1993) DC Comics Batman The Animated Series diecast metal vehicles including Batmobile No.2446, Batplane No.2447, Batboat No.2448, Batcycle No.2449, Gotham City Police Helicopter No.2457 & Br...
Lot 66ERTL DC Comics (c1989) Batman diecast vehicles Batwing no.2495, Joker Van no.2494, Batmobile No.1064 & Joker Van No.152 (taped together with Woolworths Special Buy) and Wristracer No.702, all on ca...
Lot 67ERTL James Bond JR vehicles including James' Car No.1387, S.C.U.M. Helicopter No.1385 & Warfield Van No.1386, on card with bubblepack (3)
Sold for £10
Lot 68Fisher Price (c1979) Dune Buster, in window box No.322 (1)
Sold for £75
Lot 69Fisher-Price (c1975-1976) Adventure People Wild Animal Safari Action Pack, in window box No.304 (1)
Sold for £60
Lot 70Fisher-Price (c1976) Adventure People Sea Explorer Action Pack, in window box No.310 (1)
Sold for £230
Lot 71Fisher-Price (c1976-1980) Adventure People Scuba Divers Action Pack, in window box No.353 (1)
Lot 72Fisher-Price (c1977-1980) Adventure People Cycle Racing Team Action Pack, in window box No.356 (1)
Sold for £48
Lot 73Fisher-Price (c1977-1980) Adventure People White Water Kayak Action Pack, in window box No.355 (1)
Lot 74Fisher-Price (c1979) Adventure People 3 3/4" action figures (5)...
Sold for £400
Lot 75Fisher-Price (c1979) Adventure People 3 3/4" action figures including Stuntman No.388, Frogman No.384, Paramedic No.383, Highway Trooper No.373, all on unpunched card with bubblepack & Daredevil S...
Sold for £165
Lot 76Fisher-Price (c1980) Adventure People Deep Sea Diver Action Pack, in window box No.358 (1)
Lot 77Fisher-Price (c1982) Adventure People Alpha Recon Action Pack, in window box No.360 (1)
Lot 78Galloob (c1983) The A Team off road attack cycle, in window box (damaged to front) No.8513 (1)
Lot 79Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Bad Guys Cobra 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack (lifted Rifles Missing) No.8519 (1)
Lot 80Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Bad Guys Cobra 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack No.8519 (1)
Lot 81Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Bad Guys Cobra 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack No.8519 (1)
Lot 82Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Bad Guys Python 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack No.8519 (1)
Lot 83Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Bad Guys Rattler 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack No.8519 (1)
Lot 84Galoob (c1983) the "A "Team Good Guys Murdoch 6" action figure with accessories, on card with bubblepack No.8500 (1)
Lot 85Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Flash Gordon (Swashbuckling Space Hero) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Lot 86Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Garax (ultimate Evil Robot) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Lot 87Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Garax (ultimate Evil Robot) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Sold for £44
Lot 88Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Lothar (Ninja from the Carribean) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Lot 89Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Mandrake the Magican (Master of Illusion) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Lot 90Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth Ming (The Merciless) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack No.5100 (1)
Lot 91Galoob (c1985) Defenders of the Earth The Phantom (Powerful Mysterious Ghost) 5" action figure, on punched card with bubblepack (separated) No.5100 (1)
Sold for £18
Lot 92Galoob (c1986) Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Captain Kidd (Alien Outlaw) 7" action figure with quick draw action (not tested), on card (curled) & bubblepack (dented) No.5300 (1)
Sold for £190
Lot 93Galoob (c1986) Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Lazarus Slade (Alien Outlaw) 7" action figure with quick draw action (not tested), on card (curled) & bubblepack No.5300 (1)
Lot 94Galoob (c1986) Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Queen (Alien Outlaw) 7" action figure with quick draw action (not tested), on card (curled) & bubblepack (dented) No.5300 (1)
Sold for £310
Lot 95Galoob (c1986) Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Shane "The Goose" Gooseman (Galaxy Ranger) 7" action figure with quick draw action (not tested), one gun only, on card (slight crease to hanger part)...
Sold for £210
Lot 96Galoob (c1986) Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Walter "Doc" Hartford (Galaxy Ranger) 7" action figure with quick draw action (not tested), on card (slight crease to hanger part) & bubblepack (dent...
Sold for £220