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Automobilia (1)

Books (16)

Ceramics & Glassware (199)

Clocks & Barometers (24)

Coins, Banknotes & Tokens (1)

Ephemera (1)

Furniture (231)

Garden Statuary & Furniture (17)

Jewellery (270)

Lights and Light Fittings (16)

Maps & Charts (1)

Mirrors (10)

Miscellaneous (55)

Musical Instruments (1)

Oriental (63)

Pictures (317)

Rugs (22)

Sculptures (9)

Silver (161)

Sporting (3)

Taxidermy (1)

Textiles (8)

Toys (15)

Tribal Art (3)

Watches (40)

Weapons and Militaria (1)

Works of Art (98)

Artist/Maker/Brand See all

David Smith Collection (277)

Diamond Engagement Rings (10)

Rolex (9)

Omega (7)

Colin Self (b. 1941) (4)

Cartier (3)

Mary Fedden (1915 - 2012) (3)

Lucy Harwood (1893 - 1972) (3)

Meissen (3)

Colin Moss (1914 - 2005) (3)

. . .


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