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Lot 765 - Torkington, Newcastle: George III oak cased longcase clock
Lot 766 - 19th century French portico clock under glass dome
Sold for £200
Lot 767 - 18th century and later hanging alarm wall clock with brass arched dial signed Charles Russell, London with visible pendulum bob and central alarm dial, four pillar movement with verge escapement st...
Lot 768 - 18th century black lacquered longcase clock
Sold for £1,700
Lot 769 - 19th century regulator long case clock in mahogany case.
Sold for £900
Lot 770 - 19th century tavern clock with 25cm brass circular dial signed Bullock in long mahogany case with circular hood, pendulum and key present .132cm high
Lot 771 - 19th century French library clock, the white enamel dial signed Raingo Fres, Paris, the movement striking on a bell, contained in a rosewood case with brass carrying handle, 21.5cm high
Sold for £220
Lot 779 - Unusual Victorian combination Vesta case, cigar cutter and multiple bladed pen knife
Sold for £120
Lot 780 - Glass dome housing an arrangements of shells in the form of flowers
Lot 781 - Edwardian postal scales/stamp box
Sold for £70
Lot 782 - Victorian glass dome housing an arrangement of silk flowers
Lot 783 - Antique violin bearing label ..... dated 1799
Lot 784 - 19th century Chinese silk embroidery of birds
Sold for £1,600
Lot 785 - Paraphrase des Institutions de l'Empereur Justinian, Contenant une claire explication du texte latin, avec beaucoup de réflexions morales et politiques par M. Pelisson, publication details state 15...
Sold for £110
Lot 786 - Walter Travers - Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, stating printed by Adam de Monte in 1574, but known to be a false imprint, early full calf octavo, 15cm hi...
Lot 787 - Nicholas Sanders (edited by Ed Rishton) De Origine ac progressu schismatis Anglicani, Cologne 1610, with appendix, early calf binding, titled to the spine, 16cm high
Lot 788 - Rare late 17th/early 18th century Flemish tapestry
Sold for £1,500
Lot 789 - Plinius Secundus (Gaius) The Historie of the World
Sold for £340
Lot 790 - Chinese painted hardstone six panel table screen
Sold for £150
Lot 791 - A turned blonde rhinoceros horn goblet, believed 17th/18th century German
Sold for £420
Lot 792 - Viking omega brooch
Sold for £48
Lot 793 - Viking twisted bracelet circa 10th century
Sold for £130
Lot 794 - Bronze Age flat axe head
Lot 795 - Fine quality French gilt bronze novelty desk stand, with inkwell, match striker
Lot 796 - Mamouth bone necklace
Lot 797 - Large Regency period papier mâche tray
Sold for £90
Lot 798 - Antique Chinese rank badge
Sold for £190
Lot 799 - Pair of early 19th century tondo stipple engravings
Sold for £95
Lot 800 - Fine quality Chinese jade ruyi scepter
Lot 801 - Chinese bronze tripod censer
Sold for £50
Lot 802 - Antique Indian betel nut cracker
Sold for £620
Lot 803 - Indo-Chinese gilt bronze deity figure
Lot 804 - Chinese Gu shaped bronze vase
Sold for £270
Lot 805 - Chinese circular bronze plaque on stand
Sold for £260
Lot 806 - Chinese hardstone inlaid plaque
Lot 807 - Large and impressive antique Chinese bronze censor on stand
Sold for £680
Lot 808 - Set of five 19th century Chinese paintings on rice paper
Sold for £160
Lot 809 - Japanese bronze temple gong or singing bell, on stand
Lot 810 - Collection of ten late 19th/early 20th century Apothecary bottles, with labels and stoppers.
Lot 811 - 19th century Anglo-Indian ebonised writing slope box
Lot 812 - Matthew Darly - three framed Georgian engravings of Macaronis, dated 1772
Sold for £170
Lot 813 - Collection of antiques and vintage enamel buckles
Sold for £240
Lot 814 - 19th century sailor’s shell valentine
Lot 815 - Early 20th century Turkish / Islamic Dallah Coffee pot, 28.5cm in height
Lot 816 - Antique Indian carved and painted wood bullock
Sold for £34
Lot 817 - Cold painted metal model of a bulldog and another model of a bulldog
Sold for £60
Lot 818 - Two antique metal models of dogs and another
Lot 819 - Fascinating collection of letters from Walter Crane (1845-1915)
Sold for £6,200