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Lot 813 - Late 19th century French ormolu Cartel clock
Sold for £360
Lot 814 - Fine 19th century Thomas Porthouse ship's chronometer in brass bound rosewood case
Sold for £900
Lot 815 - 18th century and later 30 hour alarm longcase clock movement with hood
Sold for £130
Lot 816 - Late 19th century French mantel clock
Lot 817 - 19th century eight day longcase clock with painted circular dial signed Richard Ganthony, Cheapside, London with subsidiary seconds, striking on bell, in domed top case 204cm high, with brass ca...
Sold for £600
Lot 818 - Early 19th century longcase clock with painted dial
Sold for £60
Lot 819 - Decorative Early 19th century eight day longcase clock by William Priest, Bristol with arched brass dial, polychrome painted rocking ship to arch, dial engraved with British man o war and fortre...
Sold for £160
Lot 820 - Fine quality early 20th century chiming longcase clock retailed by Mappin & Webb Ltd, with
Sold for £720
Lot 821 - George III long case clock with silvered dial, by R & J Lavery, Taunton
Lot 822 - George IV 30 hour oak longcase clock with painted dial, signed Jn. Carr, Swaffham
Sold for £55
Lot 823 - George III eight day oak long case clock with brass dial by John Draper, Maldon
Lot 824 - 18th century eight day long case clock by Thomas Harben, Cliff Lewes.
Sold for £80
Lot 825 - 19th century French gilt bronze and white marble mantel clock with female figure mount
Lot 826 - Repeating alarm carriage clock in brass case with white enamel dial with bevelled glazed panels 18cm, key present
Lot 827 - Large George III clock barometer thermometer of banjo form
Lot 828 - Two 19th century banjo-shaped barometer thermometers in inlaid mahogany cases (2)
Sold for £70
Lot 829 - Late 20th century carriage clock by Charles Frodsham, London
Sold for £880
Lot 830 - 19th century eight day longcase clock by Henry Thomson, Romford
Lot 831 - George III eight day long case clock
Sold for £300
Lot 850 - Melanie de Comelera (1789-1854) a set of three continental miniature still life paintings
Sold for £1,500
Lot 851 - Pair of George III silk work pictures
Lot 852 - Victorian folding walnut and porcelain plaque mounted book slide
Sold for £200
Lot 853 - George III oval framed sampler titled ‘Friendship’
Sold for £180
Lot 854 - 18th century horn circular snuff box with woven hair panel
Lot 855 - Pair of Georgian folding silver rimmed glasses in shagreen case
Sold for £230
Lot 856 - Chinese jade carving of a falconer, 18th / 19th century
Lot 857 - 19th century Chinese celadon jade belt buckle with qilin ornament
Sold for £440
Lot 858 - Chinese jade carving of a sage
Sold for £580
Lot 859 - Chinese jade or hardstone carving of a peach with qilin
Lot 860 - 19th century Chinese pierced jade plaque
Lot 861 - Late 18th century portrait miniature on ivory of a gentleman in profile named as R Vans Agnew
Sold for £150
Lot 862 - George III reverse painted silhouette on glass depicting an officer of the Ayrshire Regiment
Lot 863 - Anglo-Indian Colonial interest: Early 19th century double portrait depicting two gentlemen, inscribed verso, in carved gilt wood frame
Sold for £520
Lot 864 - 18th century portrait miniature on ivory, depicting a young woman
Lot 865 - Near pair of 18th century portrait miniatures
Lot 866 - Early 19th century portrait miniature on ivory of a gentleman in profile
Lot 867 - Unusual early 19th century portrait miniature on ivory of two sisters
Lot 868 - Early 19th century English school portrait miniature of a woman
Sold for £220
Lot 869 - English school 1800, miniature portrait on ivory named verso as William Erskine
Sold for £210
Lot 870 - English School, circa 1800, portrait miniature of a lady in white dress and shawl, unsi...
Sold for £460
Lot 871 - 18th century miniature portrait on copper
Sold for £100
Lot 872 - Overpainted Victorian photograph, others
Sold for £75
Lot 873 - Early 19th century portrait miniature on paper of a gentleman in folding leather case
Sold for £90
Lot 874 - Group of early 19th century portrait miniatures on paper
Lot 875 - George III miniature portrait on ivory of an infant named to the frame as Monstuart Elphinstone
Lot 876 - Two 18th century oval portrait miniatures on ivory
Sold for £270
Lot 877 - Three George III portrait miniatures on ivory including one by Charlotte Jones (1768-1847)
Sold for £500