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Lot 387 - Victorian silver mug of half fluted form, with plain loop handle, on a circular base
Sold for £50
Lot 388 - George III silver Old English pattern soup ladle, with shell bowl and engraved initials
Sold for £130
Lot 389 - Victorian Scottish silver Fiddle pattern fish server, with pierced FISH blade
Sold for £65
Lot 390 - Set of four Victorian Scottish silver egg cups (Edinburgh 1839) Marshall & Sons.
Sold for £230
Lot 391 - Selection of miscellaneous silver, including butter shell, cigarette case, cup, sugar etc.
Sold for £360
Lot 392 - Three late 19th/early 20th century silver sugar bowls
Sold for £350
Lot 393 - Victorian silver Independent Order of Odd Fellows Senior Warden's jewel
Sold for £75
Lot 394 - St. Johns Ambulance interest, a silver plated St John's Ambulance medal
Sold for £40
Lot 395 - Late Victorian cased, 3 piece silver gilt christening set
Sold for £160
Lot 396 - Pair George III silver table spoons with bright cut decoration and engraved initials
Sold for £170
Lot 397 - Selection of Georgian and later silver flatware and other cutlery
Sold for £640
Lot 398 - Five cased sets of silver tea spoons, together with a cased set of silver pickle forks etc
Sold for £340
Lot 399 - Edwardian silver shoe horn, with engine turned decoration, in a case
Sold for £36
Lot 400 - Pair of George III silver sauce boats
Sold for £300
Lot 401 - Silver four piece tea set
Sold for £820
Lot 402 - Cafe au lait set and a silver coffee pot. (3)
Sold for £420
Lot 403 - Silver tea pot and a Victorian silver bon bon dish (2)
Sold for £290
Lot 404 - Good quality Late 19th/early 20th century German silver and enamel beaker of tapered form, with enamelled shield of the State of Bavaria and signed Munchen, marked on base.
Lot 405 - Silver model of the state coronation coach
Lot 406 - Large contemporary silver lidded trophy dish of circular form, with engraved inscription
Sold for £920
Lot 407 - Two contemporary silver golf trophy plates of London Foreign Exchange Golfing Society
Sold for £380
Lot 408 - Three early 20th century silver London Foreign Exchange Golfing Society trophies
Sold for £460
Lot 410 - Cased Tiffany silver pictorial christening set, with nursery rhyme ornament
Sold for £220
Lot 411 - Unusual silver weighted desk rule, J Vickery, London 1920
Lot 412 - Modernist silver napkin rings by Robert Edgar Stone, London 1932 and other items
Sold for £80
Lot 413 - Silver desk set comprising magnifying glass and paper knife with matching silver handles, 1901
Lot 414 - Assorted silver including hat brush by William Comyns, London 1894
Lot 415 - Silver three piece tea set
Sold for £400
Lot 416 - Silver three piece tea set
Sold for £700
Lot 417 - Cased set of teaspoons and two further cased sets
Sold for £60
Lot 418 - Pair Art Nouveai napkin rings and others
Lot 419 - Silver salver, pierced dish and toast rack
Lot 420 - Silver hot water jug
Sold for £140
Lot 421 - Selection of Georgian and later tea and coffee spoons
Sold for £210
Lot 422 - Collection of 12 Georgian and later silver dessert spoons, and others
Lot 423 - Dressing table sets and a plated salver
Lot 424 - Pair of Edwardian neoclassical revival silver baskets
Sold for £660
Lot 425 - Good quality pierced silver fruit bowl
Lot 426 - Edwardian silver three piece teaset Sheffield 1909
Sold for £600
Lot 427 - Set of six Victorian silver fiddle and shell pattern forks
Sold for £270
Lot 428 - Selection of miscellaneous Georgian and later silver flatware (various date and makers).
Sold for £620
Lot 429 - Selection of miscellaneous silver
Sold for £150
Lot 430 - Selection of miscellaneous silver, including pair egg cups, pair dishes, and other items
Lot 431 - Late 19th/early 20th century green glass carafe, with overlaid white metal decoration
Sold for £100
Lot 432 - Victorian cut glass and silver biscuit barrel
Lot 433 - Early 20th century silver mounted cut glass claret jug by William Hutton & Sons
Lot 434 - Three piece silver cruet set
Lot 435 - Silver canteen Kings Pattern cutlery (Sheffield 1959)
Sold for £1,520